Roller blinds are all based on fabric or material attached to a tubular roller mechanism.

Types and operation

Standard roller blind - free hanging blind with metal roller using a variety of fabrics for solar screening or decorative purpose. Can be anchored at the bottom when used as a door blind.

Blackout blinds - as stated, their primary use is to darken a room.

Cassette blinds - blinds with rollers in a head box with a side and bottom channel, used for complete dim-out blinds, solar screening or insect blinds

Friction roller - a friction mechanism or clutch unit inserted into an aluminium tube, operated by a bead control on an endless loop for precise positioning.

Note: Maximum drop of the blind is determined by weight of cloth and the printed pattern design.


Roller blinds are perhaps the simplest form of blinds. The simplicity of the system lends itself to a vast range of fabric coverings, from plain basic colours, patterns and flame-retardant fabrics through to laminates and special screens. To enhance the finished blind a variety of trims are offered to finish the bottom of the blind.